I have a great offer for women who are ready to focus on feeling their best. It's time to let go of working out or eating right for the sake of a number of the scale. Learn how to get strong, develop your growth mindset, and eat well. Your perfect body might just follow.
Be the woman that everyone asks "What does she do!?" about
We work together on the following...
Making sure you’re eating enough to fuel your metabolism
so that your body feels safe letting go of unwanted body fat. Our clients are often surprised to learn that eating too LITTLE can actually prevent them from losing weight, because it puts their body into a constant state of stress as it tries to preserve energy.
Finding the right foods for your lifestyle and personality
Instead of putting you on a meal plan, we'll work with you and what you like to eat. We’ve found that this makes our clients more likely to stay consistent and follow the plans we set for their nutrition and training with less effort.
Eating a balance of proper macronutients
We want you to lose fat while preserving as much muscle mass as possible. At other times, we want you to build more muscle mass! This requires eating the right balance of protein, carbs and fats. We approach tracking in a very easy and sustainable way. And no, you won't have to track food forever!
Customizing your workout routine
so that we can tweak your nutrition to best fit your workouts. Or we can create a training program for you if you’re bored or lacking motivation from your current routine.
Managing the stressors in your life
the amount and quality of your sleep, how much daily movement you’re doing, and your hydration. We make specific recommendations throughout the program for how to tweak or install better habits in these areas. All of these factors affect the way your body will feel and how or if it makes positive changes.
Incorporating the things you enjoy in life
like alcohol, restaurant meals, and social events. We monitor your progress weekly and we can give you a pretty good idea of when you can eat freely/indulge without it affecting your overall results. This helps a lot with reducing stress/anxiety/obsession around food.
To help you through this process, you'll get
Weekly 1:1 Zoom Calls
Work with your very own coach.
24/7 Text Support
Have a question between check-ins? We gotchu.
Group Coaching Calls
Connect with others for additional support.
Each week at the check-in, we look at your progress and make specific recommendations on what exactly to change or implement in the next week.
We address the above 6 items in the order that will make the most sense for you and your unique situation. We make changes gradually and in a way that’s easy to digest and implement.
In order to qualify, you must:
Be ready and willing to workout
Movement is a integral part to weight management and maintenace. Studies (along with working with 100's of women) show that a consistent workout routine is conduscive to quicker weight loss along with the maintenace of weight afterwards.
Understand the basics of quality nutrition
To avoid a massive learning curve and get you quicker results, you must understand some basic nutrition. Ex: you're not eating microwave dinners and going through the drive-thru most meals.
Our program is a minimum 6 month program that starts at 375$ month. A small investment compared to the peace of mind, confidence in your own skin, and money you’ll save by never needing another program again. Not to mention the stress reduction of no longer having any food anxiety and finally achieving your physical goals.

Interested in this offer?
Take our application below to help me determine whether the program is the right fit for you. You'll be emailed to book a call where we can have a quick chat and if we both agree it’s a fit, we can get you enrolled the same day, and officially get started within a week or less!
All the love,
Coach Robyn
I can't wait to work with you!

Our happy members
"BODZii has been one of the best things to come into my life. With the help of my coaches, I've lost 33 lbs and I believe that I found a balance in my work life and my fitness. I am so grateful for the entire BODZii team and the amazing women I get to communicate with on a daily basis."