- success lives in the balance of flexibility and discipline
- don’t push enough, and you won’t move. push too hard and you’ll stop anyway.
- there’s no point trying to healthier if you don’t know why you’re doing it.
- when you eat will never matter if you’re not eating enough of the right things.
- don’t know what to do in the gym? do whatever will allow you to push yourself that day.
- don’t replace one unhealthy habit (crash dieting) with another (f*ck-it mode)
- you’ll never be your happiest and healthiest if you’re using the scale as your only measurement of progress
- muscle is the most important thing. it is your armour.
- if it’s a choice between getting steps in or getting to the gym, choose steps.
- genetics play a bigger role than you think.
- you can eat carbohydrates every single day and still lose weight.
- a moderate protein diet is probably better than a high protein diet for most.
- the scale is an important measurement of trends and progress. use it.
- intuitive eating is bullshit for most women.
- your ideal body is not your lightest body. get your "goal weight" out of your mind.
15 Things I've Learned After 10 Years Of Helping Women Lose Weight